Pension Committee |
Date of meeting: |
25 November 2021 |
By: |
Chief Finance Officer |
Title: |
East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) quarterly budget report |
This report provides an update on the forecast 2021/22 Outturn |
The Committee is recommended to note the forecast 2021/22 Q2 outturn position for the East Sussex Pension Fund
1. Background
1.1 Under the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations, East Sussex County Council is required to maintain a pension fund, known as East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF or the Fund), for its employees and other scheme employers.
1.2 The business plan and budget sets out the direction of travel, objectives and targets to be achieved in the management of the Fund, and for the Council to be able to perform its role as the administering authority in a structured way. The Pension Committee is charged with meeting the duties of the Council in respect of the Pension Fund.
1.3 At its meeting on the 1 March 2021 the Pension Committee agreed a budget of £7.155m to support the business plan for 2021/22. In the same meeting the Pension Committee approved an additional budget for a permanent Communications Manager to be added to the team structure, at an estimated salary plus on costs of £50,000. The budget presented below includes both the approved budget and additional post totalling £7.205m. The budget estimates do not incorporate any provision for investment fees earned by fund managers where these are deducted at source by asset managers.
2. Supporting information
2021/22 Investment and Administration Expenses Outturn Report
2.2 The forecast outturn at the second quarter of 2021/21 is £6,828m, a decrease of £0.377m from the approved budget. The 2021/22 projected outturn against budget line items is shown at Table 2 below. The underspend mostly relates to the current vacancies within the Fund, that are actively being recruited too. The main movements to the budget are set out in Table 1 below and movements detailed in Paragraphs 2.3 to 2.7.
Table 1
2021/22 Budget |
2021/22 Q2 Outturn |
Variance from last reported position |
Officers – para 2.3 |
1,756 |
1,380 |
(376) |
Actuarial Fund Work – para 2.4 |
250 |
175 |
(75) |
Legal Fees – para 2.5 |
165 |
100 |
(65) |
Investment Advice – para 2.6 |
192 |
230 |
38 |
100 |
239 |
139 |
Other Minor movements |
4,742 |
4,704 |
(38) |
Total |
7,205 |
6,828 |
(377) |
2.3 The budget for staffing was set at £1.756m assuming that no vacancies were being held by the Fund. The current job descriptions are being reviewed for the Pensions Administration team, as many of the team are on historic contracts of employment prior to Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) . This may result in increased costs as roles are potentially regraded. Recruitment in some posts has been challenging and where this is the case JD’s and adverts have been reviewed to ensure the jobs are appealing; recruitment is currently underway for the Pensions Accountant, Communications Manager and Administration apprentice. The continued presence of vacancies has resulted in a decrease of £0.376m from the agreed budget.
2.6 An initial budget was set for the investment advice of £0.192m, to cover the expected work for the year from the investment consultant and independent advisor. There has been a review of the equity strategy specifically and a whole Fund review in the first 6 months of the year. Both of the reviews have resulted in changes to the strategy, resulting in commissioning additional work that was not initially budgeted. At the Pension Committee in September 2021, a new contract for the independent advisor was agreed increasing the costs for the next 6 months. These changes have resulted in an increase of £38,000.
2.7 The budget set for Consultancy & Service Providers – Benefits for 2021/22 was set at £0.100m, based on the cost incurred from 2020/21. In addition to ongoing projects, a specific piece of work has been commissioned from Aon to undertake a review of annual allowance calculations. Based on the project quote and current experience of additional work required to resolve data issues the anticipated cost of the work has been included at £139,000.
Table 2 2021/22 Outturn Report
2020/21 Outturn |
Item |
2021/22 Budget |
2021/22 Actuals to October |
2020/21 Forecast Outturn Q2 |
Variance to Budget |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Pension Fund Staff Costs |
592 |
Fund Officers |
1,756 |
279 |
1,380 |
(376) |
53 |
Recruitment costs |
12 |
2 |
12 |
- |
645 |
Sub Total |
1,768 |
281 |
1,392 |
(376) |
Pension Fund Oversight and Governance |
341 |
Actuarial Fund Work |
250 |
41 |
175 |
(75) |
87 |
Actuarial Employer Work |
100 |
30 |
70 |
(30) |
(64) |
Employer reimbursement |
(100) |
(8) |
(70) |
30 |
2 |
Training Costs |
10 |
3 |
10 |
- |
40 |
External Audit – Grant Thornton |
30 |
(35) |
30 |
- |
190 |
East Sussex County Council |
286 |
2 |
257 |
(29) |
285 |
Legal Fees |
165 |
40 |
100 |
(65) |
157 |
Subscriptions and Other Expenses |
72 |
31 |
72 |
- |
1,038 |
Sub Total |
813 |
104 |
644 |
(169) |
Investment activities |
221 |
Investment Advice |
192 |
112 |
230 |
38 |
37 |
ESG Advice |
25 |
21 |
25 |
- |
61 |
Custodian |
75 |
50 |
75 |
- |
80 |
93 |
129 |
103 |
10 |
2,365 |
Investment Manager Fee Invoices |
3,313 |
820 |
3,313 |
- |
2,764 |
Sub Total |
3,698 |
1,132 |
3,746 |
48 |
Pension Administration |
894 |
Orbis Business Operations Support Services |
- |
East Sussex County Council |
237 |
52 |
213 |
(24) |
282 |
System Services and License |
346 |
156 |
346 |
- |
90 |
Consultancy & Service Providers - Benefits |
100 |
45 |
239 |
139 |
- |
Operational Support Services |
225 |
9 |
244 |
(19) |
183 |
Other Expenses |
18 |
16 |
9 |
(9) |
- |
Other Income |
- |
(2) |
(5) |
(5) |
1,449 |
Sub Total |
926 |
278 |
1,046 |
82 |
5,896 |
Total |
7,205 |
1,795 |
6,828 |
(377) |
3. Conclusion and reasons for recommendation
3.1 The Committee is recommended to note the Q2 2021/22 outturn position.
Chief Finance Officer |
Contact Officer: |
Russell Wood, Pensions Manager: Investments and Accounting |
Email: | |